Year: 2014

  • Video Embeds Now Appearing in Google Search Results

    Google’s making it easier than ever to find and play your favorite music videos by featuring prominent video embeds at the top of the search results. Instead of playing directly in the search results, clicking on the video takes you to the site hosting the video. And while the majority of these videos are taken […]

  • The Beginner’s Guide to PPC Advertising

    This blog post contains edited excerpts from our free whitepaper: The Beginner’s Guide to PPC Advertising. Get the full guide for more details on how to implement a successful PPC campaign for your business. “Paid per click advertising is so passe,” some say. Why is that, when in fact PPC ads account for 65% of […]

  • Several new features were added to RSS Ground tools

    More new features were added to RSS posters and Amazon RSS feeds Generator at RSS Ground. Read more…

  • 5 Bad SEO Habits You Need to Break

    Habits get a bad rap. They aren’t bad on their own. We develop them so we can get more done without having to think carefully about everything we do each day. After any substantial amount of time in the SEO industry, you develop certain habits. Many of those habits are born of necessity, others reinforced […]