What Images Can Do For You.

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There’s a well-known saying that says, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Well, an image is also worth a great deal of page visits, conversions, and sales! For this week’s Design article, I’m going to be talking about the importance of images within your site and other aspects of your marketing tools.

In today’s culture, the ever-shortening of attention spans is causing designers and marketers to re-think their strategies. To be honest, how many of you reading this had to struggle just to get to this paragraph? Many people will tune out if they know that they have to read through text to find an answer. That’s where images come in.

The importance of images used in websites and the like might not be ground-breaking news to you, but some of the statistics (courtesy of MDG Advertising) I’m going to be share just might be:

– Did you know that articles with relevant images get 94% more views than those that don’t? This is a staggering statistic when it comes to your company’s blog posts!

– 67% of consumers say that product image quality is very important in their buying decision.

– Working on maintaining your Social Media presence? Facebook posts with images have the highest user engagement level.

– When customers are searching out your business in a local search, 60% of consumers are more likely to consider a business that has an image show up in a local search.

So what do we do with this information? Here are some helpful tips:

– For starters, wherever you have content on your website use relevant images to make information stick.

– Make sure that you are updating your images in order to keep them from being out-dated.

– Use high quality images on your website and social media posts. This way, more people will want to share the information with others!

– Utilize pictures for all of your e-commerce products.

Author: Deacon

Courtesy of www.mdwebpro.com


