Year: 2014

  • Do You Use Long-Tail Keywords? You Should!

    What are long-tail keywords and why might they be important to an SMB owner? Ah…some of the finest friends your website will ever have are “long-tails” when it comes to Google search results, so let’s get into it! A long-tail keyword is – as Google itself reports here – “Long-tail keywords are longer and more…

  • The Top 10 Conversion Rate Optimisation Myths

    Conversion rate optimisation is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. But there are a lot of myths surrounding this crucial aspect of the industry. Here are the top ten myths, busted!       1. It’s all about the conversion rate I don’t like the acronym CRO, or even the name, conversion rate…

  • How often should I update my website content?

    I have yet to do any SEO training with anybody without this question being asked. As with most things SEO, there is not a clear cut answer of “you must update every x days / hours”. This article will help you understand what is needed for your website. I’ve divided it into two sections, one…

  • How to Develop a Content Strategy for an Unfamiliar Niche

    You know the feeling you get when you get a new client who needs a content strategy for a niche you know nothing about. Without knowing the details of the industry, including the competitions shortcomings, it can be a challenge to create a successful campaign. It’s important to increase your knowledge and develop a strategy…

  • How Can ecommerce Startups Increase their Sales Exponentially?

    The online world is full of opportunities and there are startups that have made millions of dollars in just a couple of years simply by creating an e-store with a large number of shoppers. With millions of ecommerce startups popping up on the World Wide Web, getting buyers on a startup e-commerce website can be…

  • Are Stock Images a Problem?

    I have a love-hate relationship with stock images. On the one hand, I know they don’t look authentic. I used to be very adamant about not using stock images on this site, and you will certainly never see a stock image pretending to be our team or any member of our team. On the other…

  • 3 Ways to Get Customers Talking About You

    We’ve heard it countless times – Build an awesome product, and your customers will shout from the rooftops. Solve your customer’s big problems, and they’ll tell everyone. If you build it, they will evangelize. Unfortunately, it’s not true. A very small percentage of the population is actively blogging and writing reviews. A slightly higher percentage…

  • 6 Online Marketing Mistakes By People Who Hate Technology

    Ever had an anti-computer or anti-technology moment? I had one recently when a program I was using “hijacked” my computer and stalled my progress for a few seconds – very annoying! But some people are in a perpetual anti-technology moment when it comes to marketing their business online. They feel like it is a necessary…

  • 4 Common Copywriting Mistakes Everyone Makes

    I don’t care who you are; everyone makes mistakes in writing copy. Even the professionals who have to look at the copy with a jaundiced eye and tweak things. This is why we have drafts: because perfection seldom happens the first time around. While the list of common copywriting mistakes could probably fill a small…

  • 20 ways to make money online

    Maybe you’re watching this because you just want a bit of extra income to supplement your existing job, or maybe you want to get rid of your job altogether and replace it with an income source that will give you a bit more time and freedom. Whatever your reason is for picking up this training…